Category Archives: Reading
Fear and FIRE
The concept of FIRE has been in the news a lot more over the last year or so. I remember when I first discovered that it was even a thing my first notion was “where was this when I was … Continue reading
Systems vs. Goals – Some Support for an Earlier Post
Some of you may remember a post I put up a few months ago arguing that one should use systems instead of goals (I’m going to rerun that in a bit below). I was perusing Pocket the other day and … Continue reading
Whence With Our Wealth When We Are No More?
We spend a lot of time in this community discussing the accumulation of wealth and the tenets of living frugally so that we can retire early (well, so that you can retire early – it is too late for me … Continue reading
If You Want to be Rich – Read, Read, then Read Some More
If you been around this community long enough and read enough posts/articles, you get a bunch of tips on how you can work, hack, earn, side-hustle, or invest your way to Financial Independence. I’ve read a good number of these … Continue reading
The Absolutely True Cost of Everything
When you think about what things actually cost, your mind is likely to think in terms of dollars and cents (or Euros and cents for my friends across the pond). But the dollar cost of things is only the beginning. … Continue reading