Warren Buffet Wins Bet – Was There Any Doubt?

This came out a month or so ago, but I missed it.  Index Funds Win!  This idea plays perfectly into two issues I’ve talked about before:

  1.  Direct Investing vs. Robots, and
  2. How I’m Better than Hedge Funds, but not as good as the Index.

I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog lately.  We closed on our “new” house last week and I’ve been a bit consumed with that project.  I may be a bit slower on the posts through the holidays, but I will be back with a vengeance once the move is over.  For my thoughts on buying a home at this point, read this.

Until Next Time, FIRE On! – Oldster

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What I read this week

Two interesting discussions on frugality:  One from Penny at She Picks Up Pennies and one from  Kalie at Pretend to be Poor.  Slightly different takes on an interesting topic.

My July 4th post on my view of Frugality – Interesting, I think, in contrast to the above posts on the same topic.

From Mrs. Frugalwoods – a very interesting and detailed treatment on the frugal considerations of pet ownership.  A “must read” for those who are animal lovers.

What Kind of Cars to FI Bloggers Drive? – A little peek behind the curtain.  It is interesting the variety in make, model and year that some of our favorite purveyors of FI thought drive.

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Reprise – Where You Live Matters A Lot for Your FI


This is a reprise of something I posted over the summer.  I heard something on the WSJ podcast on the same topic last week and thought that I’d revisit the issue.

What you’ll need for a comfortable retirement is, of course, dependent on what your expenses in retirement are and what assets you have available to meet those expenses.  Volumes have been written on that subject alone (I have, and will continue to contribute my thoughts on the subject – see Five Years of Cash for example).  One of the lesser discussed aspects of Early Retirement planning is the “where” of things.  Where you decide to set down retirement roots can have a huge impact on what you’ll need to live comfortably. Continue reading

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What I Read this Week

From Chris Mamula writing for Can I Retire Yet? – a good discussion of health care and early retirement.  This is, perhaps, the most important issue among those striving for the RE part of FIRE.  You can find more from Chris at his site Eat The Financial Elephant.

From Penny at She Picks Up Pennies – Emergency Preparation discussed in light of her experience, and also a list of several blog posts on the subject.  I promise there is something here that you are not doing.

Is this the beginning of the Urban Future? – One of Google’s sister companies is going to build a city (well rebuild part of Toronto).  I’m getting a “Jetsons” vibe.

From Early Retirement Now (ERN) – a complex but very interesting and instructive case study outlining safe withdrawal rates and the relationship to CAPE.

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What I Read this Week of October 8

From Steve at TSR – why making mistakes in life may actually benefit you in the long-run.

Breaking News: Most Seniors Have Little Retirement Savings – Ok, perhaps this is not news.  But this article highlights why we in this community are trying to get ahead of the curve.  For many of the first generation of retirement “savers” in 401(k)s, things have not gone well.

From Maggie at Northern Expenditure – This fascinates me as a potential side hustle.  I’ve got no artistic skills, but Ms. Oldster is quite talented. Maggie’s follow up is here.

From Rockstar Finance – This is something you may have already read, but the idea that someone researched the history of the FIRE movement fascinates me.

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