It is my intention to never willingly disclose any personal information about anyone who visits this site. I will do my best to keep your information private, as I would expect you to do for me.
All of the information on this site is only my opinion. You should never take anything you read on the internet at absolute face value and spend or invest your hard-earned money based solely on what someone else says. Do your homework, ask questions, make comments and for heaven’s sake, become comfortable with any actions you take based on anything you read, see, watch or experience here or anywhere else in cyberspace. No one cares about your money and your financial future more than you (not even me, and I care a lot).
There may be affiliate links in some posts, or at some point, ads on this site. (Hey, I want to make a buck just like anyone else). I will endeavor to be clear about any product in which I personally believe. But there may, again, at some point, be ads for things with which I have no experience. If you are in doubt about a product advertised on this site, feel free to ask me. If I endorse it, I’ll try to be clear about it.