What I Read This Week of September 3, 2017

The 64 Best Sports Books of All-Time – Granted, this his highly debatable, but there are some real gems in here if you are a sports fan.

From Steve at Think Save Retire – Discussing the fact that we probably know all we need to know to hit both FI and RE.  To quote Yoda:  “Do or do not.  There is no try.”

From the Frugalwoods Family – What these folks do truly does amaze me.

From The Compound Investor – If you ever doubted the value of time and patience, read this.  One share of Coca-Cola, purchased at IPO for $40 in 1919, with reinvested dividends, would be better than $10,000,000 today.

From Retire Before Dad – part homage to Hemingway, part tale of his own development, this post is worth reading more than once.



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One Response to What I Read This Week of September 3, 2017

  1. Thanks a bunch for the shout out, Oldster! And it’s an honor to be in such great company.

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